TJ Newsflash: 20 October

A selection of the latest news, research and stories from the world of HR, talent, learning and organisational development as selected by the TJ editorial team.

Report reveals the advantages of a digitally mature workforce – AWS and Gallup 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) along with Gallup have just release a new report on the benefits of having a tech-savvy workforce. The report says benefits include higher profits, faster innovation, happier employees and GDP gains, with advanced digital skills driving global economic gains of $6.3 trillion each year.

UK working habits are restricting development activity – Beamery

According to Beamery’s latest Talent Index a quarter of those surveyed reported the lack of opportunities for development contributed to their dissatisfaction at work. Opportunities for development are being missed because individuals can’t dedicate time to training (24%) alongside their job or they haven’t been given guidance (16%) on what skills they will need in the future to enhance their role.

#Tryonething: Get Online Week – The Good Habits Foundation

It’s Get Online Week and the Good Habits Foundation is offering opportunities for people to learn some digital skills this week. As CEO Helene Milner says, “With 10 million people in the UK lacking the most basic digital skills, we must act now to make sure we aren’t leaving people locked out of the ever-evolving online world.” Visit their website to improve digital skills or to offer support for such an important skill – not just for organisations but for individuals and society.

Leader and manager effectiveness is top priority for HR leaders – Gartner 

Five priorities were identified in the research as being crucial to organisational success. There needs to be a new human-centric approach to leadership with a focus on the future of work. Change fatigue is a feature in many organisations and a more open-source strategy is recommended. The final three recommendations focused on talent – sourcing in a volatile marketplace, providing employees with career opportunities to improve retention and a better workforce planning that for most HR leaders seemed to focus on headcount and not much more!

Pensions remain the most important benefit for job seekers – Moneypenny 

With perks and benefits influencing up to 60% of those receiving job offers these days – new research from Moneypenny shows that pensions lead the way in persuading new recruits to accept a new post. It was found that the top four perks to influence job acceptance were: pensions (41%), working from home (22%), and at joint third position with 12% each was gym membership and working from home.

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