July 2015

The focus of this month’s edition is driving creativity

The June edition saw the final contribution from our columnist Alistair Chisholm for more than four years Alistair inspired and motivated us each month with ‘Treading the boards’. This month we introduce the first of our ‘Final word’ opinion pieces where we will feature a variety of different commentators on the industry discussing the issues they feel are crucial to the success of learning and development specialists today.

This month Andy Lancaster from the CIPD urges us to tackle our ever increasing complex and fast moving VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world with Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility. He argues that of the four areas learning agility is most important for both our learners’ and our own professional development. Turn to page 62 to find out more.

Last month I spent a day at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum, although a much smaller event than their main Conference and Exhibition in January it nevertheless was worth attending – although there didn’t seem much in the conference that I hadn’t in part heard before. However, for me the most interesting session was the lunchtime slot focusing on ‘Women in learning and development’ my interest being sparked by our own Diversity Survey which had been launched the same week.

The three in the spotlight Sarah Malone, head of learning, resources and talent at Post Office, Barbara Thompson, learning and performance consultant at BT and Binnaz Cubukcu, learning design manager at Ikea told the audience about their careers and what attributes they see as being crucial to their success. While all three had very difference experiences they all seemed to possess the some shared attributes: curiosity, authenticity, flexibility and courage. Pragmatists they all recognised the need to move on when circumstances demanded and that contacts and networks were integral to success.

Our recent Diversity Survey is now closed and we were delighted with the response that has been excellent. Thus proving that equality and diversity remains a topic high on the agenda for HR and L&D. TJ will aim to keep those issues under the spotlight in coming months and if you have a story or perspective to share please contact me.

The results of the survey are currently being compiled ready for presentation and discussion at our conference, in London on 10th July. If you haven’t confirmed your place visit www.trainingjouirnalconference.com to find out more about our great day of learning and networking.

Finally, this month is the last that my colleague Seun Robert-Edomi will grace our flannel panel opposite as he moves on to pastures new. My thanks go to him for his patience and good humour over the past four years – he has increased our following on social media and was integral in the development and launch of our new website. I am sure all of you who know Seun will join me in wishing him well.

Happy reading






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