Sales staff more driven by salary than any other profession in UK

Salespeople are more driven by money than those in any other profession, according to research conducted by specialist recruiter Randstad Sales, Marketing and Retail.

In the survey of more than 10,500 workers, over two-thirds (69 per cent) of those in sales said salary and benefits is a top consideration when moving jobs, compared to a UK average of 63 per cent.​

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Salespeople are also more single-minded when it comes to achieving their goals and are motivated by career progression, with 42 per cent saying it was one of their top job considerations, compared to a UK average of 36 per cent.

Ruth Jacobs, managing director of Randstad Sales, Marketing and Retail, said:  “Sales people know what they want, and they aren’t afraid to pursue it. Financial considerations such as salaries and other monetary employee benefits always play a crucial part in career decisions, but for those working in sales, these cash rewards override all other considerations by a significant margin.”

With the average salary for sales professionals standing at £31,339 in the UK, sales workers earn more the typical UK employee (average salary of £28,186 across all industries). But the sales profession is attracting more single-minded and financially-motivated workers than financial services, where the typical salary is currently 21 per cent higher, at £37,866.

Jacobs added: “It’s not the most highly paid profession across the UK and you’d be forgiven for thinking that traditionally lucrative sectors such as financial services and banking would attract the most money-minded individuals. But sales is storming ahead as the preserve of the most ambitious and financially-motivated candidates.

“You can see why – as the economic recovery continues to look skyward, there are currently more than 260,000 vacancies for sales jobs in the UK. With such a red-hot jobs market, more and more candidates are turning their hands to sales as a way to earn the big bucks, and aspiring sales people can afford to stick to their market value and hold out for the salary they feel they deserve.

“It’s a target-driven industry, which attracts personalities who thrive on results and the subsequent rewards. Employers looking for the best sales employees need to be willing to put their money where their mouth is – salespeople are not going to be waylaid or tempted by perks that don’t benefit their bottom line.”

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