Nominate your L&D hero for the TJ Special Achievement Award 2018

The TJ Awards 2018 has a new category this year – the TJ Special Achievement Award.

It aims to recognise those exceptional individuals who through their innovation, or communication skills have changed L&D practice, have gained influence for the industry or who have simply inspired us to do carry on with our important role in often difficult and ever changing working environments.

They could a blogger who challenges our thinking or supports us in our continuing professional development. An innovative researcher and thinker who provides evidence of what theories are valid and those that we should treat with caution.

They could be a leader of a professional institute that provides support, guidance and service to their members. Or simple one of those inspiring speakers and people developers who can change our perspective on life and work and make our world seem a much better place simply because of their words and actions!

To nominate your L&D hero email with a summary of why you feel this exceptional person should be considered for this special accolade.

The deadline for entries to the TJ Awards 2018 is Wednesday 18 April so please complete those entries soon! Or start now here and we look forward to hearing from you soon!


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