Learning transformation is top priority for delivering business impact, reveals Towards Maturity

Transforming learning is the top priority in 2016 for learning professionals, according to a survey carried out by global research and benchmarking organisation, Towards Maturity.

Following the launch of its #MakeItHappen campaign, Towards Maturity asked learning professionals to select only one of five key action areas that will help them deliver impact in the year ahead. The results from over 160 L&D practitioners show that transforming learning is the most popular priority, followed by understanding modern learners and developing the skills of the L&D function.

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Laura Overton, Managing Director at Towards Maturity, comments: “The reason we asked L&D professionals to prioritise where they want to take action, is to help them take the first step. Time and again, L&D as an industry is failing to see the organisational impact of its activities and we have now reached a crunch point. Focusing on just one thing that will make a difference in the year ahead will help L&D professionals do something about it.”

Here are the action areas in order of popularity where learning professionals want to demonstrate impact:

●Transforming Learning – 30%

●Understanding Modern Learners – 22%

●Equipping L&D for the Future – 20%

●Prioritising Actions – 15%

●Increasing Business Buy-in – 13%

The findings from the latest Towards Maturity Industry Benchmark Report reflect this failure to deliver business results:

●89% seek benefits related to efficiency – but only 41% are achieving this

●88% seek improved individual processes – 39% are achieving this

●91% seek improved productivity and engagement – 29% are achieving this

●88% seek improved business responsiveness – 24% are achieving this

●89% seek an improved learning culture – 21% are achieving this

Top Deck L&D teams defined as those scoring in the top 10 per cent on the Towards Maturity Index. They are more than three times as likely to be achieving their goals across any of these areas, but what sets them apart is their proactive stance in each of the four of the activity areas: increasing business buy-in, understanding learners, transforming learning and building their skills for the future.

The #MakeItHappen campaign encourages L&D leaders to focus on one of the four and if they can’t select one, to work instead on prioritising actions.

Over the coming months, those signed up to #MakeItHappen will receive practical insights and resources sourced from research on the world’s top performing L&D teams, in order to help them demonstrate the impact of learning. They are receiving support in their chosen activity area through curated evidence-based insights and practical tips that will help them deliver results.

“The immediate response to this campaign shows us that there is an increasing appetite for delivering impact, which is consistent with the aspirations of L&D teams around the world. If L&D leaders want to see impact this year, then I’d urge them to access our resources – we have the data and success stories that can help them achieve goals and demonstrate impact,” adds Overton.

To find out more about how to sign up for #MakeItHappen and access resources, L&D and HR leaders are encouraged to visit: www.towardsmaturity.org/makeithappen.

The ‘Make It Happen’ campaign can be followed through Towards Maturity’s account on Twitter @TowardsMaturity or searching with the hashtag #MakeItHappen.

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