Virtual reality set to make construction a safer place

A new innovative game had been created to provide a practical experience of construction by training people to save lives and reduce injury.  

Launched by the University of New South Wales, the Situation Engine uses tailored hyper-immersive virtual reality technologies to expose workers to site accidents by delivering a ‘cognitive shock.’

The developers claim this provides a learning experience no classroom can match, which is more memorable and likely to change personal behaviour on-site. 

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The idea recently won a Premier Innovation in Education and Training Award from the Chartered Institute of Building.

It will feature at the first Accelerate to Innovate event today (Tuesday 19, April) – a joint initiative between BRE and the CIOB, which connects innovators with industry experts to help accelerate wider take-up in the industry of their ideas. 

Saleem Akram, director at the CIOB, said: “No one in the industry wants good ideas sitting on a shelf. This initiative is not a competition it’s a collaboration between innovators and those who can help open doors to the wider industry.”

The game uses different learning outcome and assessment tool rather than relying on possible traditional or classroom information-based training methods.

A key feature is the proprietary system of controls that can freeze or replay a given situation whilst the user moves freely through the space experiencing the same situation multiple times and from multiple perspectives. Powerful analytics ensure all activities can be registered and conditions adapted dynamically to suit individual users.

Training Journal

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