HR industry invited to share positive experiences of dyslexia

Novacroft, the smartcard technology company, is appealing for HR professionals across the UK to get involved in a campaign to showcase the positives of dyslexia.

HR workers are encouraged to upload short film clips to the Novacroft website, talking about how dyslexia has been a positive attribute in their lives or in the business they work at. This will coincide Dyslexia Awareness Week, which runs from 3rd – 9th October 2016.
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The 30 second clips will then be combined to create a video to be launched to the public as a tool to empower success and change attitudes towards dyslexia in schools and the workplace.  
Spearheaded by Debra Charles, Novacroft’s founder and CEO, who is dyslexic herself, the campaign was out of her realisation that within educational institutions and the workplace, perceptions and attitudes are outdated and, in some cases, extremely damaging to those who might have spent life marginalised by the rest of society. 
CEO Debra Charles said: “I’m one of the estimated 20 per cent of dyslexic entrepreneurs in the UK, and it took me a long  time to realise that the perceived barriers of dyslexia were barriers that I put in my own way, and that the strength to overcome them came from me, from valuing myself and my own ideas. 
“I honestly believe that my success is because of, not despite, dyslexia. That’s why I’m passionate about celebrating and valuing differences, and why perceptions of ‘normal’ need to change. Working together, we can make a difference.”
Novacroft is committed to improving the perception of dyslexia, enabling success and celebrating achievements. 
What does the gift of dyslexia mean to you? Get involved. Join our army and #SayYesToDyslexia today at
Please submit films before 18th September 2016. 

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