More than three-quarters of HR leaders see attracting the next generation of employees as the greatest business challenge over meeting targets or innovation.
A major new study published by Capita Resourcing today reveals that 83 per cent of HR leaders believe the workforce expectations of this generation are not far from what companies already offer.
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Nicola McQueen, Managing Director, Capita Resourcing, stated: “Businesses need to see Gen Z as agents of change that can act as the driving force behind new initiatives that benefit every generation of employee. Yet that’s not to say existing working practices need a major over-haul to accommodate this.
“On the contrary, there’s a danger that investment in new resources, policies and procedures aimed solely at this cohort could make a significant dent in the bottom-line to no avail.”
However, the research, which examined the attitudes of 1,015 Generation Z adults (aged between 16 and 20) and 106 senior HR professionals, also found that HR leaders’ concerns around the next generation of workers are heavily contradicted by what Generation Z respondents say they want.
Two thirds (63 per cent) think that Generation Z workers will disrupt the workplace more than any other generation.
The research also revealed 71 per cent of employers think Generation Z want freedom to work where and how they choose. Yet over half (54 per cent) of Gen Z say they would prefer to work face-to-face in a small team rather than virtually.
Over two thirds (68 per cent) of employers think Gen Z is often under prepared for the demands of working life, while 81 per cent of Gen Z are confident they have the right attitude to succeed and 65 per cent are confident they have the right skills.
McQueen added: “Despite being more ready that they think, there are some steps that HR teams can take. With 54 per cent of Gen Z expecting to stay in their first job for under two years, employers commonly have a crucial 500-day window after hiring in which to maximise their employee productivity.
“Businesses need to establish and communicate the opportunity for career progression, professional reward and company benefits from the first point of engagement. From day one, businesses must make a good impression on Gen Z and demonstrate the opportunities before them and then follow through with the promise.
“This approach will also support better integration into the wider workforce and help to promote positive working practices between different generations of employees.”