Boosting engagement with games at World of Learning

How games work to increase engagement and how they fit into workplace elearning are among the questions being answered at a free seminar at the World of Learning exhibition and conference.

The learning workshop hosted by Louise Pasterfield, Managing Director at Sponge UK, will offer L&D managers and professionals an overview of e-learning games and real-life examples of how organisations are using them to boost learner engagement.

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World of Learning takes place at NEC Birmingham on September 29-30 and features live workshops, free seminars, 120 exhibitors and a highly respected conference.   

Louise Pasterfield said: “I’ll be breaking down what it is about elearning games that engages learners. I’d like to show people the sheer variety of e-learning games available and how they can be used to target specific learning challenges or develop particular skills. As with all our seminars, you’ll be able to see lots of real examples of the work we are doing for major global businesses including an interactive video project that is helping train managers in how to deal with difficult conversations.”

Sponge UK is an award-winning e-learning provider specialising in bespoke elearning solutions for large organisations.

The free seminar is called How to boost engagement with elearning games and takes place in Theatre 2, 12.15-12.45pm on Tuesday, September 29.  

Training Journal

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