TJ Newsflash: 2 March

This week’s pick of the top stories, research, and inspiration from across the globe

A major focus on practitioner skills this week with three pieces from major bodies representing the HR and learning and development functions. From ATD in the US an exploration of spreadsheets and how they hamper the useful collection and managing of data. Justin Webb from Saffron Interactive writing for the LPI tackles the skills crisis while People Management (PM) looks at the CIPD’s, and other responses to the unfolding human crisis in Ukraine.

The New York Times helps identify the difference between worry, stress and anxiety and how to manage them. Businessballs, yes that’s its name, has always had a wealth of free resources on management and leadership – take a look at their article on ‘Going Green’.

Stuck on the Spreadsheet Treadmill: How Misused Data Hurts Training Teams – ATD 

The Skills Sahara: Why Your Talent Pool is Drying Up – LPI

The Great Reset: The Incentives, Practicality and Pitfalls of ‘Going Green’ – BusinessBalls

Ukraine conflict: How can HR help? – People Management

Stress, Worry and Anxiety Are All Different. How Do You Cope With Each? – The New York Times



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