A well bee-hived workplace: Learning socially from nature

Taking a cue from nature on Social Learning and how to make the most of it in business is the topic of a new webinar, hosted by award-winning elearning provider, Sponge UK.

The collaborative event, which takes place on August 19, will explore how learning socially is a natural activity and what role technology can play in helping learners and organisations benefit from Social Learning.

Aimed at L&D professionals, the free session will cover the fundamentals of what social learning means and how it can be inspired by and benefit from the natural world. It will also discuss the relationship between this and elearning and how a business can benefit.

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“There’s a real buzz about Social Learning at the moment and we’re using this idea and the theme of bees to explore some of the concepts behind Social Learning,” said aAron Pont, Learning Solutions Architect at Sponge UK.

“As with all our webinars, we’re hoping people will actively participate in the webinar and share their experience and ideas.”

Research suggests around 60 per cent of US companies are leveraging Social Learning activities, with nearly 30 per cent of L&D professionals in the UK expecting to see a growth in social in their organisation by 2017.

Instructional Designer at Sponge UK, Brayley Pearce, said: “Social Learning is rather opaque and organisations have to be careful not to over engineer the environments in which it’s happening.

“We hope to shed light on ways that companies can support and facilitate this natural tendency towards collaborative learning without getting too heavy-handed and stifling the process.”  


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