TJ Newsflash: 25 January

This week’s selection of news, research and insights from across the world.

An eclectic mix this week with a look at the office space of tomorrow with HBR and a podcast from the University of Cambridge featuring Aviva’s senior data scientist, Dr Orlando Machado talking about algorithms. Wired reports on Austria’s moves against Google and asks whether more European countries will take action against the tech giant for possible breaches of GDPR. The CIPD announce the appointment of a new president and finally, take a look at Cornerstone’s 2020 Global Research Report.

Design an Office that People Want to Come Back to

Aviva Quantum Podcasts: Why do algorithms discriminate?

Europe’s Move Against Google Analytics Is Just the Beginning

Baroness Ruby McGregor-Smith appointed new president of the CIPD

A License to Skill: Embracing the Reskilling Revolution


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