TJwow webinar recording January 2017 – future of learning

Recording of the TJ discussion webinar from January 2017 about the future of learning.

January 24th 10am UK time

What is the future of learning?


Watch mobile-friendly MP4 here

Discussing this topics was Communications Manager at Fosway Group, Kate Graham, and Head of London & Head of Engagement (Branches) at CIPD, David D’Souza, and Chief Learning Strategist at, David James, to discuss what the future of learning might be.

Learning has changed vastly over recent years and continues to do so. As learning, organisation, HR and performance professionals we need to focus on what the future of learning might be.

We need to think about 2017 trends and what we can do in our workplace to enhance the performance of individuals and teams. We also need to think beyond that at what changes are happening in the digital and technology workplace and learning and just how our own roles need to reflect that.


Outcomes from the session

At the end of the discussion attendees were asked what action they would take, and here are their answers for you to consider for your own take-aways:

Click for larger image in a new window



Should you attend the next #TJwow webinar?

This is just some of the chat window feedback at the end of this session:

My first TJ webinar, thanks all, I will be back!

My first TJ webinar, thanks all, I will be back!

This has been very good, great speakers.

Thank you Jo – great facilitation today:) and terrific ideas.  Thank you Kate, DDS, David.

Don’t think we would have an issue with our webinar schedule if you guys where presenting!

Thanks, really useful and very well facilitated.

See the webinar schedule here.

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