New study launched looking at work-life blend

Are you satisfied with your work-life balance? New research is now underway and you are invited to take part.

HR consultancy Talentsmoothie has launched an online study looking at work-life balance.

Founder of the company Justine James said: “Trying to find the right work-life blend in today’s 24/7 culture is challenging. It’s important for our well-being to successfully combine work, family commitments and personal life and we want this research to provide better insight into to what degree people are achieving a work-life balance, and generate ideas on how employers can support a better blend between work and home life.”

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The amount of time someone spends at work is a key aspect of work-life blend. According to the latest figures from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), almost 13 per cent of employees in the UK work over 50 hours a week. Only 10 other countries in the 38 the OECD studies have a higher percentage of workers who work this number of hours or more.

It is already becoming clear from early participants in the  study that many feel that higher levels of flexible working would help with their work-life blend. Asked “What could organisations do to help employees achieve a better work-life blend?” one respondent, whose response was typical, said: “Be more open to flexible working (part-time; job shares; 13-day fortnights; work from home; increase holiday entitlement – such as Virgin HQ – unlimited so long as work gets done & customers / colleagues not adversely impacted). Limit expectations on people to work outside of normal working hours (including during annual leave, weekends, late in the evening)”.

James encourages employers to take part in the study. Anyone taking part in the research will receive a free copy of the findings at the end of the project. To request a unique link (or links if you would like members of your organisation to participate) to the survey email including “Work-life blend link request” in the subject line and stipulating the number of links required.

Debbie Carter

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