TJ week of webinars – social media and career development

What will you get out of the discussion about social media and professional development in our TJ webinar next week? Jo Cook records a very short interview with one of next week’s guest speakers, Con Sotidis.

Social media is a topic that often divides people – there are those that think Twitter is all about people sounding off, that Instagram is just pictures of people’s breakfast and that Facebook incites arguments that might not happen face to face.

There are others for whom social media has provided connections and opportunities they would have got in no other place.


Join our webinar on Tuesday 24th May to discuss this topic with Con Sotidis, Michelle Parry-Slater and Sukh Pabial.

In the mean time, I briefly spoke to Con Sotidis in the Adobe Connect software we will be using for the webinars, and you can watch it to hear a couple of ideas about what might get discussed next week.


Click here to watch the 5 min Adobe Connect recording
(You will need to download the Connect viewer)


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