What are the factors that influence individual productivity?

New research reveals that most employees working in an office or at home are at their most productive between 9 – 11am on a Tuesday

Do you work in an office or at home? Then Tuesday 9-11am is your best time to be productive and Friday 3-5pm is when you’re procrastinating.  Having to-do lists and flexitime helps you the most and a loud atmosphere and a lack of sleep will do the most harm to your productivity according to the recent study, conducted by Conference Genie, of 2000 UK employees who work from home or in an office.

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The results indicate that workers people are most productive on a Tuesday between 9 and 11am when they’ve had plenty of sleep, are offered flexible working and use a to-do list. They are least productive in the late afternoon on Friday when they have too little are working in a loud environment and are inclined to waste time talking to colleagues, reading news or on their phones.

Age also influences output with 18-24-year olds giving themselves the lowest productivity rating and those over 55 rating themselves with the highest productivity. Of the 18-24-year olds, 57 per cent said that their wage has the biggest positive effect on their productivity levels.

Almost a third of 25-34 year olds say that Monday is their least productive day and those over 55 feel the less productive between 3 and  5pm on a Monday.

Productivity also differs by sector in marketing, advertising and PR 62 per cent stated that music has a positive effort on their productivity. In accountancy, banking and the finance sector more than a fifth are more productive when they exercise regularly while in the public services sector 37 per cent are more productive if they’re happy with their wage or salary.

The recipe for productivity seems to be avoid a lack of sleep and a loud atmosphere, because it won’t put you in that productive mind-set. If you plan to fit in a lot of work in a short amount of time, make sure you’ve had enough sleep so you have enough energy.

View the full report here

Debbie Carter

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