TJwow recording – who’s responsible for sales training discussion?

The third #TJwow webinar discussion in the launch week was about who’s responsibility it is for developing sales people

Earlier today the TJ webinar discussion was based on sales training and the issues surrounding that need.

The speakers on live webcam for the 60 minute session were Tim Royds and Clare O’Shea.

O’Shea started the conversation about who is responsible for sales training by saying that having a sales expert, someone in L&D and a sales manager or director is a good approach. Having head of sales and a focus on process is where sales training should fit.

Royds commented that the one person who will live or die by the sales of the team is the sales manager as they depend on the team results.

TJ Editor Debbie Carter commented in the session that “if L&D want to become true business partners they need to be more aware of sales and their contribution to sales”.

The discussion with the speakers and the attendees via the chat window and open microphones moved towards the lack of sales training and the comment from Royds about a good sales manager is not necessarily a good sales person and that often people have a lack of training, which he called “crackers”.

There were comments about how managers get selected, promoted and trained more generally, as well as the issues of who investigates the need that is presenting itself as training and who in the business is ultimately responsible for it.


The depth and breadth of the conversation is available on the free discussion recording about who is responsible for sales.

We will have all the recordings on our webinars page.

More discussions

There are more free webinar discussions in our launch week – topics are sales, neuroscience and personality assessment tools.

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