Sepsis elearning materials showcased to Britain’s legislators at Westminster

The mobile-friendly elearning portal producer, Create eLearning, has created e-learning materials, including a ‘Sepsis Savvy’ course  for The UK Sepsis Trust.

The UK Sepsis Trust, which also uses the Create eLearning learning management system (LMS) to manage and monitor its courses, is making these e-learning materials available to help educate healthcare professionals, as well as members of the public.

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Create eLearning’s managing director, Mark Taggart, commented: “The Sepsis Trust does some really important work and it’s gratifying that, to help it achieve its goals, the Trust has chosen to use Create eLearning’s expertise, both to produce its e-learning materials and to manage and monitor the materials’ use, via the Create eLearning platform.”

Incorporating a number of state-of-the-art advances in LMS technology, Create eLearning’s LMS is a hybrid platform that caters for coaching, mentoring, online and face-to-face training/ learning. Moreover, users can configure it to deliver learning materials anywhere in the world, in any language and on any delivery device.

“The platform’s offline, off-grid e-learning capabilities enables users to learn anywhere at any time – on trains and planes among other things – without the need for an internet connection or even a corporate email account,” said Mark Taggart. “The results of their learning activities can be uploaded to the LMS the next time they log on to the internet.”

In particular, at the end of April, The UK Sepsis Trust launched the Sepsis Savvy e-learning materials at an event in the Palace of Westminster. The audience included members of both Houses of Parliament, including the international businessman and former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, Lord Ashcroft.

Founded in 2012 by a world leader in Sepsis, NHS consultant Dr Ron Daniels, The UK Sepsis Trust seeks to save lives and improve outcomes for survivors of Sepsis by instigating political change, educating healthcare professionals, raising public awareness and providing support for those affected by this devastating condition.

The UK Sepsis Trust‘s expertise is based in the charity’s grassroots origins – its doctors and nurses have frontline, first-hand experience of the Sepsis problem and their passion is born of a comprehensive understanding of what needs to be done.



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