CIMA launches updated Certificate in Business Accounting

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) has today launched an updated CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) has today launched an updated CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (Cert BA) and assessments under the updated syllabus will commence in January 2017.The update consolidates the five subjects of the existing syllabus into four. The former standalone Business Mathematics subject is now integrated across other subjects, allowing for contextual practical application of maths. The full syllabus content has been reviewed and refreshed, following thorough’ global industry and educational research, to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant.

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Noel Tagoe, Executive Director of CIMA Education, said: “The Certificate in Business Accounting is designed to elevate people and businesses to success by developing skills and unlocking talent. It’s a standalone qualification designed to give anyone – not just those in a finance role – a solid grasp of the fundamentals of business and finance. By equipping people with the knowledge and skills that employers need, we can help them further their careers.

“The Cert BA update was based on extensive research and consultation with employers and educators worldwide, ensuring that the syllabus continues to reflect the emerging issues faced by businesses and responds to their need for competent, confident and skilled professionals.” 

Earlier this year, CIMA introduced an updated syllabus and computerised assessments for the CIMA Professional Qualification, based on rigorous global research and the newly-created Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) Competency Framework.

While the updated Cert BA is a standalone qualification, it also continues to serve as a prerequisite to the Professional Qualification. The update now aligns the Cert BA more strongly with the Professional Qualification by embedding the CGMA Competency Framework and integrating the ‘three learning pillars’ structure.



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