Business Disability Forum launches new website

Business Disability Forum (BDF) has announced the launch of the latest version of the Disability Standard website sponsored by Accenture.

The Disability Standard is the only business-led management tool used to assess a company’s whole organisational approach to disability. Analysing 10 essential criteria, including physical accessibility, workplace adjustments and products and services, the Disability Standard allows businesses to measure their entire performance on disability and identify ways to improve their strategy for disabled customers, clients, service users, employees and stakeholders.

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Speaking about the launch of the new Disability Standard, David Goodchild, Joint Interim Chief Executive Officer of Business Disability Forum said:“We are delighted to launch the new and improved version of the Disability Standard. Whether undertaking self-assessment or a full evaluation, the Disability Standard remains the most effective way for an organisation to measure and improve its whole organisational approach to disability.

“This latest version represents the most efficient, streamlined and advanced version of the Disability Standard and we’re thrilled to announce that it is now live.”

The enhancements made to the Disability Standard follow on from a series of successful consultations between BDF and its membership organisations, whose feedback was used to improve the usability, accessibility and overall functionality of the website.

The Disability Standard can now be used effectively across a series of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones and tablets, giving users more freedom to engage with the website and online portal. The self-assessment and evaluation processes have been comprehensively streamlined and simplified to ensure participation in the Standard is as user-friendly and straightforward as possible.

Further improvements have also been made to the website’s navigation and digital interface, whereby the visual layout and overall design of the website is more accessible. To assist organisations when using the website and ensure they have quick and easy access to best practice guidance, the new website also features an intuitive search function. This allows users to easily locate the exact materials they require both in terms of content and also the resource type, which include case studies, videos, e-guidance and briefings.

To ensure the website is fully accessible and supports inclusive design principles, BDF worked with its disabled Associates and leading assistive technology company and BDF Partner Microlink, who carried out accessibility testing.

Representing the fourth iteration of the Disability Standard since its official inauguration in 2004, the recent developments further illustrate BDF’s culture of continuous improvement and dedication to best practice.


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